


Population & Plans - Top 100 Largest US Cities, 2010-2012
Rank City State 2010 Census Population 2012 Est. Population Plan / Link
1 New York NY 8,175,133    8,336,697
2 Los Angeles CA 3,792,621    3,857,799
3 Chicago IL 2,695,598    2,714,856
4 Houston TX 2,099,451    2,160,821
5 Philadelphia PA 1,526,006    1,547,607 Philadelphia 2035 Citywide Vision
6 Phoenix AZ 1,445,632    1,488,750 General Plan
7 San Antonio TX 1,327,407    1,382,951
8 San Diego CA 1,307,402    1,338,348
9 Dallas TX 1,197,816    1,241,162
10 San Jose CA   945,942       982,765 Envision San Jose 2040 General Plan
11 Austin TX   790,390       842,592 Imagine Austin
12 Jacksonville FL   821,784       836,507 2030 Comprehensive Plan
13 Indianapolis IN   820,445       834,852 Indianapolis Insight
14 San Francisco CA   805,235       825,863
15 Columbus OH   787,033       809,798 Columbus Comprehensive Plan
16 Fort Worth TX   741,206       777,992
17 Charlotte NC   731,424       775,202 2015 Plan: Planning for our Future
18 Detroit MI   713,777       701,475 Master Plan of Policies
19 El Paso TX   649,121       672,538 Plan El Paso
20 Memphis TN   646,889       655,155 Memphis 2000
21 Boston MA   617,594       636,479
22 Seattle WA   608,660       634,535 Toward a Sustainable Seattle
23 Denver CO   600,158       634,265 Comprehensive Plan 2000
24 Washington DC   601,723       632,323 The Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital
25 Nashville-Davidson TN   601,222       624,496 Nashville Next
26 Baltimore MD   620,961       621,342 Live - Earn - Play - Learn: Comprehensive Master Plan
27 Louisville-Jefferson KY   597,337       605,110 Cornerstone 2020
28 Portland OR   583,776       603,106 The Portland Plan
29 Oklahoma OK   579,999       599,199 PLAN OKC: Planning for a Healthy Future
30 Milwaukee WI   594,833       598,916 Comprehensive Plan / Citywide Policy Plan
31 Las Vegas NV   583,756       596,424 Las Vegas Master Plan 2020
32 Albuquerque NM   545,852       555,417 Albuquerque and Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan
33 Tucson AZ   520,116       524,295 General Plan
34 Fresno CA   494,665       505,882 2025 Fresno General Plan
35 Sacramento CA   466,488       475,516 Sacramento General Plan 2030
36 Long Beach CA   462,257       467,892 General Plan
37 Kansas MO   459,787       464,310 FOCUS Kansas City Plan
38 Mesa AZ   439,041       452,084 Mesa 2025 General Plan
39 Virginia Beach VA   437,994       447,021 2009 Comprehensive Plan
40 Atlanta GA   420,003       443,775 Comprehensive Development Plan
41 Colorado Springs CO   416,427       431,834 Comprehensive Plan
42 Raleigh NC   403,892       423,179 2030 Comprehensive Plan
43 Omaha NE   408,958       421,570 Omaha Master Plan
44 Miami FL   399,457       413,892 Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan
45 Oakland CA   390,724       400,740 Envision Oakland General Plan
46 Tulsa OK   391,906       393,987 PLANiTULSA Comprehensive Plan
47 Minneapolis MN   382,578       392,880 Minneapolis Plan for Sustainable Growth
48 Cleveland OH   396,815       390,928 Connecting Cleveland 2020
49 Wichita KS   382,368       385,577 Community Investments Plan
50 Arlington TX   365,438       375,600 Arlington 2025
51 New Orleans LA   343,829       369,250 Plan for the 21st Century: New Orleans 2030
52 Bakersfield CA   347,483       358,597 Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan
53 Tampa FL   335,709       347,645 Tampa Comprehensive Plan
54 Honolulu HI   337,256       345,610 O'ahu 2035 General Plan (update)
55 Anaheim CA   336,265       343,248 General Plan
56 Aurora CO   325,078       339,030 2009 Comprehensive Plan
57 Santa Ana CA   324,528       330,920 General Plan
58 St. Louis MS   319,294       318,172 Strategic Land Use Plan of the St. Louis Comprehensive Plan
59 Riverside CA   303,871       313,673 General Plan 2025
60 Corpus Christi TX   305,215       312,195 Comprehensive Plan
61 Pittsburgh PA   305,704       306,211 PLANPGH: Pittsburgh's Comprehensive Plan
62 Lexington-Fayette KY   295,803       305,489 Comprehensive Plan
63 Anchorage AK   291,826       298,610 Anchorage 2020
64 Stockton CA   291,707       297,984 Stockton 2035 General Plan
65 Cincinnati OH   296,943       296,550 Plan Cincinnati: A Comprehensive Plan for the Future
66 St. Paul MN   285,068       290,770 Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan
67 Toledo OH   287,208       284,012 Toledo 20/20 Comprehensive Plan
68 Newark NJ   277,140       277,727 Newark's Master Plan: Our City, Our Future
69 Greensboro NC   269,666       277,080 Connections 2025 Comprehensive Plan
70 Plano TX   259,841       272,068 Plano Tomorrow
71 Henderson NV   257,729       265,679 Comprehensive Plan
72 Lincoln NE   258,379       265,404 LPLAN 2040
73 Buffalo NY   261,310       259,384 Buffalo Comprehensive Plan: The Queen City in the 21st Century
74 Fort Wayne IN   253,691       254,555 Plan-It-Allen
75 Jersey City NJ   247,597       254,441 Jersey City Master Plan
76 Chula Vista CA   243,916       252,422 Chula Vista Vision 2020
77 Orlando FL   238,300       249,562 Growth Management Plan
78 St. Petersburg FL   244,769       246,541 Comprehensive Plan
79 Norfolk VA   242,803       245,782 plaNorfolk 2030
80 Chandler AZ   236,123       245,628 Build Out & Beyond: 2008 General Plan
81 Laredo TX   236,091       244,731 Comprehensive Plan
82 Madison WI   233,209       240,323 Comprehensive Plan
83 Durham NC   228,330       239,358 Durham Comprehensive Plan
84 Lubbock TX   229,573       236,065 Comprehensive Land Use Plan
85 Winston-Salem NC   229,617       234,349 Legacy 2030 Comprehensive Plan
86 Garland TX   226,876       233,564 Envision Garland: 2030 Comprehensive Plan
87 Glendale AZ   226,721       232,143 Glendale 2025:The Next Step
88 Hialeah FL   224,669       231,941 Comprehensive Plan (not on-line)
89 Reno NV   225,221       231,027 The Great City Plan: The City of Reno Master Plan
90 Baton Rouge LA   229,493       230,058 FutureBR Comprehensive Plan
91 Irvine CA   212,375       229,985 General Plan
92 Chesapeake VA   222,209       228,417 Moving Forward: Chesapeake 2035
93 Irving TX   216,290       225,427 Comprehensive Plan
94 Scottsdale AZ   217,385       223,514 General Plan
95 North Las Vegas NV   216,961       223,491 Comprehensive Master Plan
96 Fremont CA   214,089       221,986 Fremont General Plan
97 Gilbert town AZ   208,453       221,140 General Plan
98 San Bernardino CA   209,924       213,295 General Plan
99 Boise ID   205,671       212,303 Blueprint Boise
100 Birmingham AL   212,237       212,038 Birmingham Comprehensive Plan





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