

美国区域规划法介绍 An Introduction to Inclusionary Zoning Tonight’s Game Plan { What is inclusionary zoning? { Why does a community need it?Why does a community need it? { What are a few common characteristics? { Where has inclusionaryy zoningg worked? ..{ What are the benefits? What are the What are the benefits? What are the tradeoffs to consider? Exclusionary vs. Inclusionary Zoning { Exclusionary: Zoning inherently separates uses; lt th regulates the siize and dimension of homes;; sometimes excludes a mixture of residential uses { Inclusionary: Encourages or requires builders to ilincludde hhousiing ffor low and mid- income households;; Affordable housing policy through the private sector private sector Local Exclusionary Zoning Issues Roger K. Lewis Whyy would a communityy need inclusionary zoning? { Counteract exclusionary zoning ..{ Insufficient supply of affordable housing Insufficient supply of affordable housing { Incomes not growing at same pace as housing prices housing prices Impacts of Housing Crisis { People cannot afford to live near their work (teachers, civil servants) their work (teachers, civil servants) z Longer commutes z Increased congestion Increased congestion z More pollution z Decreased qqualityy of life { Segregation by race and/or social class class { Infrastructure costs are higher Characteristics of Inclusionaryy Zoning Ordinances ..Set aside requirements or percentages Dli ..Developer iincentives ..Target populations based on household income levels income levels ..Affordability control periods ….Alternatives to construction of affordable Alternatives to construction of affordable housing units Set-Aside Requirements { Locality requires certain percentage of total market rate units to be affordable Developer Incentives { Impact Fee Waivers ..{ Flexible Design Requirements Flexible Design Requirements { Expedited Permit Processing { Density Bonuses { Density Bonuses z Locality grants developers right to build more units pper acres in exchangge for a certain number of affordable units Affordability Control Periods Mechanism to maintain affordability over a certain time period while also over a certain time period while also allowing homeowner to benefit from rising property value rising property value Affordable Housing Alternatives If developer cannot include affordable units units… { May contribute to the locality’s afffforddablble hhousiing ffundd { May build affordable housing units in another location Local Approaches to Inclusionary Zoning Montggomery County, MD – Moderatelyy y y, Priced Dwelling Unit (MPDU) { Since 1974 all new subdivisions of 50+ units required to set aside up to 15% for affordable housing { 1/3 of units may be purchased by local housing authority or nonauthority or non-profit CDCprofit CDC { Developer can get maximum density bonus of 22% more units than allowed by zoning 22% more units than allowed by zoning { 10,000+ units of affordable housing has been created & county still has very strong housing market { Flexible design standards Arlington County, VA { Uses 25% density bonus that may be used for both market-rate and be used for both market rate and affordable units* { Up-zones { Up zones { Increases FAR if 10% of units are affordable affordable { Does not have an inclusionary zoning ordinance per se zoning ordinance per se… *legal status unknown; recently challenged in court Fairfax County, VA – Affordable y, Dwelling Unit Ordinance (ADU) { Dillon’s Rule prevented county from enacting ADU until 1990 enacting ADU until 1990 { Limited scope ..z Only applies to developments of 50+ Only applies to developments of 50+ where rezoning, subdivision or special exception needed z Does not apply to multifamily housing with 4+ stories bl di z Must be located in approvedd sewer service area Considerations { Balance the interests of the community with the developer p { Impacts on infrastructure, schools, roads, communityy character { Local government administration costs ..{ Surrounding property values Surrounding property values { Unwilling developers (will they go elsewhere?) elsewhere?) { Good neighborhood design Benefits of Inclusionary Zoning { Creates affordable housing through private sector private sector { Minimizes public funds { Increases socio-economic and racial diversity of families { Provides housing for the local workforce workforce



今年的两会期间,有关城市规划方面的话题,我了解到的有2个,一个是云南城镇上山,另一个就是限制规划展览馆建设。 本文要谈的就是规划展览馆的问题。 不懂是什么时候,规划展览馆的建设风靡全国,好...






问题1:在无控规的建设用地上进行建设的依据是什么呢? 1、无控规的地方就不能进行规划审批。   问题2:无控规的情况下建设的违法建设应该如何查处,该地块本来就是老城区老建筑...


问题1:请教下,核发建设工程许可证必须人防同意审查合格才能发吗?有相关依据吗? 答:辽宁不用,以前是前置件,现在是施工许可前必须提供。江苏:必须造人防的 工程证前 需要人防意见的。 湖北:...

