

国内企业招聘城市规划师要求一直在上升,因为供远过于求。 看看国外企业招聘城市规划师情况如何> ——————————–one—————– Planner Company: TEC Inc. Requirements Planner TEC Inc. seeks a highly motivated planner with experience in physical planning and facilities to take a leading role in interdisciplinary planning efforts related to federal programs, especially within the Department of Defense. Occasional travel or involvement in field effort of short duration should be anticipated, both inside and outside the continental United States. The successful candidate will have 7 or more years of professional experience, with experience in facilitating planning/design charrettes and reviews. Must possess professional level writing related to planning, facility programming, and design. Educational requirements include a bachelor’s or master’s degree in urban or regional planning, architecture, landscape architecture, or a related field. US citizenship is required. EEO/M/F/Vet/Handicap Benefits: 401-K/Retirement Plan Dental Insurance Health Insurance Life Insurance Flexible Work Schedule Holidays Sick Leave Vacation Flexible Benefits Employee Stock Ownership Plan ——————————–two————————————- City of Sumter Urban Planner I Job Location: Sumter, SC Department: Planning Department Job Purpose: Under general supervision, researches, collects, organizes, evaluates, and presents data regarding planning matters to local officials for local, regional or state planning; reviews building permits and zoning applications for zoning compliance with all zoning regulations and ordinances. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in urban planning and one year experience; or any equivalent combination of education, training and experience. Masters degree in planning preferred. Compensation/Benefits: $20,444 - $41,222 ——————————–three————— 这篇不复制过来了,太长>这里查看urban design job —————————————————- 总的看来,这些公司招聘要求也非常多,像国内的需要学历,经验要求,并看重毕业学校。看来规划行业的同志刚出来真是不太好混!



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看到一个2012年国家公务员考试申论预测题,题目很长,罗列了一些城市规划领域的一些资料,看起来很有意思,转过来和大家一起共享: 1. 城市规划是对城市的未来发展、城市的合理布局和安排城市各项工程...






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